Green Apatite

Crystal Properties:

Colour: Ranges from light, almost translucent green, to rich, deep forest green.

Chemical Composition: Calcium phosphate, often with chlorine, fluorine, or hydroxide ions.

Hardness: 5 on the Mohs scale.

Transparency: Transparent to translucent.

Lustre: Vitreous to subresinous.

Historical and Geological Background:

Green Apatite, found in various locations worldwide, is prized for its striking green hues. It’s a phosphorus-rich mineral that forms in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Historically, apatite was often mistaken for other precious stones due to its clarity and vibrant color. It has been used in jewelry and as a collector's mineral.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: Heart.

Element: Earth.

Planet: Mercury.

Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Virgo.

Healing and Therapeutic Uses:

Emotional Healing: Known for its calming properties, Green Apatite is believed to aid in emotional healing, helping to soothe the heart and bringing relief from stress and confusion.

Connection to Nature: Enhances a connection to nature and the Earth, promoting environmental consciousness and a sense of harmony with the natural world.

Physical Well-being: Often associated with promoting physical health and well-being, particularly in relation to the heart and circulatory system.

Spiritual and Esoteric Uses:

Growth and Prosperity: Encourages growth, whether spiritual, emotional, or physical, and is believed to attract prosperity and abundance.

Communication with Nature Spirits: Aids in communicating with nature spirits and deepening one’s appreciation of the natural world.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Calming Influence: Offers a calming and soothing influence, helping to alleviate anxiety and foster a sense of peace.

Clarity and Perception: Enhances mental clarity and perception, aiding in understanding complex situations.


Numerological Significance: Often resonates with the number 6, symbolising balance, harmony, and nurturing.

Additional Properties:

Creativity and Inspiration: Stimulates creativity and inspiration, particularly in environmental and natural projects.

Interpersonal Harmony: Aids in fostering harmonious relationships, encouraging empathy and understanding.


Yellow Apatite


Blue Apatite