Colour: Grey to black, often with a metallic or sub-metallic lustre.
Type: A low-quality diamond variety, often used in industrial applications due to its hardness.
Chemical Composition: Carbon (C), with a crystal structure similar to other diamonds but typically more irregular.
Hardness: 10 on the Mohs scale.
Transparency: Opaque.
Lustre: Sub-metallic to dull.
Historical and Geological Background: Bort refers to industrial-grade diamonds that are too imperfect for jewellery but valued for their extreme hardness, making them ideal for cutting, grinding, and drilling. Bort diamonds are often found in the same deposits as gem-quality diamonds in locations such as South Africa, Brazil, and Russia. While they may lack the clarity and brilliance of gem diamonds, they play an essential role in industrial tools and processes. In metaphysical practices, bort is appreciated for its connection to grounding, resilience, and endurance, channelling the energy of diamonds in a more subdued, practical form.
Metaphysical Associations:
Chakra: Root.
Element: Earth.
Planet: Saturn.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.
Healing and Therapeutic Uses:
Strength and Endurance: Bort is believed to support physical resilience and endurance, making it a good companion for those needing strength, whether physical or emotional.
Detoxification: This form of diamond is thought to aid in detoxifying the body and balancing energy flow, promoting overall well-being.
Immune Support: Like gem-quality diamonds, bort is said to enhance immune function, helping the body protect itself from illness and aiding in recovery.
Spiritual and Esoteric Uses:
Grounding and Stability: Bort is strongly connected to the root chakra, promoting grounding and stability. It’s particularly helpful for individuals seeking to stay focused and centred amidst life’s challenges.
Protection and Shielding: This stone is thought to offer protective energy, helping shield the aura from negative influences and environmental stress.
Transformation and Inner Strength: Bort’s diamond composition symbolises transformation and inner strength, encouraging users to persevere through challenges and embrace personal growth.
Emotional and Mental Aspects:
Emotional Resilience: Known for its grounding properties, bort helps cultivate emotional resilience, allowing individuals to face difficulties with strength and courage.
Calming Anxiety: Bort’s grounding energy helps calm anxieties and reduce stress, especially during periods of transition or uncertainty.
Enhancing Focus and Discipline: This stone promotes mental clarity and discipline, supporting those who are working on achieving long-term goals or overcoming distractions.
Numerological Significance: Resonates with the number 8, symbolising strength, stability, and perseverance.
Additional Properties:
Aura Cleansing and Stability: Bort is believed to cleanse and stabilise the aura, helping to balance energies and promote a sense of inner peace.
Strengthening Personal Boundaries: It’s useful for setting and maintaining personal boundaries, providing a strong sense of self-protection.
Encouraging Practicality and Realism: This stone helps foster a realistic outlook and grounded mindset, making it useful for those seeking to achieve practical results.