Grey Moonstone

Crystal Properties:

Colour: Light to dark grey, often with a silvery or bluish sheen

Chemical Composition: Potassium Aluminium Silicate

Hardness: 6 - 6.5 on the Mohs scale

Transparency: Translucent to opaque

Lustre: Vitreous to pearly

Historical Uses:

Grey Moonstone, also known as New Moon Stone, is relatively less known compared to its colourful counterparts. It has been cherished for its mysterious, smoky glow and understated elegance. Traditionally, moonstones have been associated with moon deities and feminine energy.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Wind

Planet: Moon

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio

Healing Uses:

Mental Clarity: Grey Moonstone is believed to enhance mental clarity and vision, aiding in decision-making and foresight.

Emotional Balance: Known for its calming properties, it helps in stabilising emotions and alleviating stress.

Intuition: Enhances intuition, particularly in matters where insight is required.

Spiritual Uses:

Psychic Abilities: Aids in developing psychic abilities, enhancing clairvoyance and understanding of spiritual messages.

Meditative Journey: Useful in meditation, facilitating journeys into the subconscious and aiding in discovering hidden truths.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Calm and Balance: Offers a sense of calm and balance, particularly in turbulent times.

Inner Vision: Encourages exploration of inner vision and dreams, aiding in connecting with one's higher self.


Numerological Significance: Often associated with the number 7, symbolising introspection, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.

Additional Properties:

Protection: Acts as a protective stone, particularly during night travels or in dream work.

New Beginnings: Supports new beginnings, especially those that require a clear mind and balanced emotions.

Creative Expression: Encourages creative thinking and expression, particularly in areas requiring imaginative solutions.


Black Moonstone