Green Onyx
Crystal Properties:
Colour: Ranges from light to deep green, often uniform or with lighter and darker bands.
Chemical Composition: Silicon dioxide.
Hardness: 6.5 - 7 on the Mohs scale.
Transparency: Translucent to opaque.
Lustre: Waxy to vitreous.
Historical and Geological Background:
Green Onyx is often dyed to enhance its colour, though natural green varieties do exist. Historically, Onyx has been used in Egypt as early as the Second Dynasty to make bowls and other pottery items. The green variant is particularly associated with growth, renewal, and the spring season. It was also used in ancient times for hardstone carving and jewellery.
Metaphysical Associations:
Chakra: Heart.
Element: Earth.
Planet: Mercury.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Healing and Therapeutic Uses:
Emotional Healing: Green Onyx is known for strengthening the heart and providing support during times of physical or emotional stress. It promotes emotional balance and stability.
Physical Healing: Believed to aid in the treatment of ulcers and to strengthen the eyes and the immune system. It is also used to improve skin conditions and enhance fertility.
Stress Relief: Offers soothing vibrations that can relieve worries, tension, and fears.
Spiritual and Esoteric Uses:
Growth and Renewal: Encourages personal growth, renewal, and assists in finding new perspectives and embracing change.
Connection to Nature: Enhances one’s connection with nature and may increase one’s love for and appreciation of the natural world.
Abundance and Prosperity: Often used to attract prosperity, wealth, and abundance, helping to manifest one's desires into reality.
Numerological Significance: Resonates with the number 4, symbolizing stability, reliability, and practicality, reflecting the stone's properties of building a solid foundation for enduring success.
Additional Properties:
Confidence and Assertiveness: Instills confidence and promotes assertiveness, encouraging users to stand up for themselves and make their voices heard in a gentle yet effective manner.
Enhanced Memory: Said to improve memory and deep concentration, facilitating learning and retention of new information.
Relationship Harmony: Supports healthy, heartfelt emotional exchanges in relationships, promoting understanding and cooperation.