Ethiopian Opal

Crystal Properties:

Colour: Displays a broad spectrum of background colours from clear through white, yellow, orange, and brown, with a brilliant play of colour that can include flashes of green, red, blue, and orange.

Chemical Composition: Hydrated silicon dioxide.

Hardness: Ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale.

Transparency: Ranges from transparent to translucent.

Lustre: Vitreous to resinous.

Historical and Geological Background:
Ethiopian Opal was first discovered in the early 1990s in the Menz Gishe District, North Shewa Province, and later in other regions such as Welo and Mezezo. It quickly gained popularity in the gem market due to its striking play of colour and patterns, including rare phenomena like honeycomb and floral patterns. Unlike Australian opal, Ethiopian opal can absorb water and change transparency because of its porosity, a characteristic that makes it unique.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: Primarily associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, enhancing creativity, passion, and personal power.

Element: Water and Fire, symbolising the blend of emotional depth with the transformative power of fire.

Planet: Jupiter, reflecting its connection to good fortune and expansive potential.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, linking it to emotional intuition and protection.

Numerology: Associated with the number 8, emphasizing abundance, self-confidence, and inner wisdom.

Healing and Therapeutic Uses:

Emotional Healing: Ethiopian Opal is believed to amplify traits and characteristics, bringing characteristics to the surface for transformation. It enhances self-worth, helping to understand one's full potential.

Physical Well-being: Traditionally used to purify the blood, reduce fever, and stimulate memory function.

Mental Clarity: Encourages enthusiasm and an interest in life, dispelling lethargy and mental fog.

Spiritual and Esoteric Uses:

Karmic Healing: Known for its ability to clear past wounds and traumas from the emotional body, facilitating profound karmic healing.

Visionary Experiences: Enhances cosmic consciousness, promoting psychic and mystical visions.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Stress Relief: Offers strong emotional support, reducing stress and anxiety, and encouraging an optimistic outlook.

Creativity and Innovation: Stimulates original thinking and creativity, making it particularly beneficial for artists and innovators.


Numerological Significance: The vibration of the number 8 in Ethiopian Opal enhances personal power and helps manifest spiritual and material goals.

Additional Properties:

Interpersonal Relationships: Aids in attracting positive relationships through its vibrant energy and charm.

Protective Qualities: Acts as an emotional protector, absorbing and reflecting intense emotions and thoughts to show the user their true nature.


Fire Opal