Lodolite/Garden Quartz

Crystal Properties:

Colour: Clear Quartz with inclusions that can appear in green, brown, red, or cream hues

Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide with various mineral inclusions

Hardness: 7 on the Mohs scale

Transparency: Transparent with visible inclusions

Lustre: Vitreous

Historical Uses:

Lodolite, often referred to as Garden Quartz or Shamanic Dream Stone, has been admired for its captivating internal landscapes. Historically, it has been used in shamanic practices for its believed ability to enhance communication with the spirit world and assist in visionary exploration.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: Crown, but aligns with all due to its Quartz nature

Element: Earth, Water

Planet: Earth

Zodiac Sign: All, particularly resonating with Scorpio

Healing Uses:

Emotional Healing: Known for its gentle energy, Lodolite is believed to aid in emotional healing, helping to soothe and calm the mind.

Meditative Aid: Often used in meditation to enhance focus and deepen the meditative state, aiding in exploring the inner self.

Enhanced Intuition: Believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual insight and guidance.

Aids in spiritual exploration, offering insights into one's life path and spiritual growth.

Connection to Nature: Its earthy inclusions foster a deep connection with the natural world, enhancing ecological consciousness.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Soothing Influence: Provides a soothing influence, ideal for overcoming stress, anxiety, and restlessness.

Clarity and Insight: Promotes mental clarity and insight, helping to resolve complex emotional issues.


Numerological Significance: Often associated with the number 8, symbolising infinity, abundance, and inner wisdom.

Additional Properties:

Visionary Experiences: Facilitates visionary experiences and dream work, often used for understanding dream messages and symbols.

Past Life Recall: Can be used in past life recall, providing insights into past experiences and their impact on the present.

Harmonising Energies: Harmonises the higher vibrational energies of the aura, bringing balance and alignment.




Silver Titanium Quartz