Pineapple Quartz

Crystal Properties:

Colour: Clear or white with distinctive, protruding terminations resembling a pineapple's rough texture

Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide

Hardness: 7 on the Mohs scale

Transparency: Transparent to translucent

Lustre: Vitreous

Historical Uses:

Pineapple Quartz, also known as Candle Quartz or Atlantean Lovestar, is an intriguing variety of Quartz. It has a distinctive growth pattern that gives it a unique appearance. Historically, it's not as well-documented as other Quartz varieties but has gained attention for its unique form and perceived energy properties.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: Crown

Element: Earth, Fire

Planet: Sun

Zodiac Sign: All signs, particularly resonating with Capricorn

Healing Uses:

Emotional Healing: Believed to provide deep emotional healing, soothing past wounds and traumas.

Amplifying Energy: As with other Quartz varieties, Pineapple Quartz is thought to amplify energy and intentions.

Wisdom and Guidance: Often used for gaining wisdom and guidance, particularly in meditation.

Spiritual Uses:

Spiritual Insight: Aids in spiritual growth and enlightenment, offering insights into one's spiritual path.

Connection with Ancient Civilizations: Thought to carry the wisdom of ancient civilizations, particularly Atlantis, as per its nickname.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Peace and Calm: Brings a sense of peace and calm, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Clarity of Thought: Enhances mental clarity, aiding in decision-making and intellectual pursuits.


Numerological Significance: Resonates with the number 4, symbolising stability, structure, and pragmatism.

Additional Properties:

Guidance in Life Decisions: Offers guidance and clarity in life decisions, aiding in navigating life's challenges.

Energy Balancing: Balances energy within the body, aligning the physical and spiritual aspects.

Past Life Recall: Facilitates past-life recall, offering insights into past experiences and karmic lessons.


Black Tourmalinated Quartz


Fire Quartz