Crystal Properties:
Colour: Ranges from yellow, brown, red, green, black, to translucent
Chemical Composition: Zinc Sulphide, often with iron
Hardness: 3.5 - 4 on the Mohs scale
Transparency: Transparent to opaque
Lustre: Resinous to adamantine
Historical Uses:
Sphalerite, though primarily an ore of zinc, has been used as a gemstone due to its brilliant lustre and variety of colours. It’s not traditionally well-known in historical gemstone use but has been appreciated in more recent times by collectors and metaphysical practitioners for its grounding and balancing properties.
Metaphysical Associations:
Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus
Element: Earth, Fire
Planet: Mars
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Healing Uses:
Physical Energy and Vitality: Known to enhance physical energy and vitality, helping to overcome fatigue.
Grounding: Offers strong grounding energy, helping to bring balance between physical and spiritual realms.
Enhanced Perception: Believed to enhance perception, particularly in discerning hidden aspects or motives.
Spiritual Uses:
Balancing Polarities: Assists in balancing male and female energies, promoting harmony and understanding.
Psychic Protection: Provides protection against negative psychic influences and energies.
Emotional and Mental Aspects:
Confidence and Creativity: Encourages confidence and sparks creativity, aiding in overcoming feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.
Decision Making: Aids in clear thinking and decision-making, especially in situations requiring discernment and insight.
Numerological Significance: Often associated with the number 8, symbolising power, abundance, and inner strength.
Additional Properties:
Detoxifying: Believed to have detoxifying properties, aiding in purifying the physical body.
Realising Potential: Helps in realising and using one’s talents and abilities to their fullest potential.
Environmental Connection: Encourages a deeper connection and understanding of the earth and nature.