Black Gold Super Seven

Crystal Properties:

Colour: A distinctive blend of black, gold, and other hues from the constituent minerals

Chemical Composition: A unique combination of seven different minerals, including Black Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, and Cacoxenite

Hardness: Generally around 7 on the Mohs scale

Transparency: Translucent to opaque

Lustre: Vitreous to resinous

Historical Uses:

Black Gold Super Seven, a variation of the Super Seven crystal, is a relatively new discovery and has quickly captivated enthusiasts with its unique composition and striking appearance. It has been sought after for its believed potent metaphysical properties and as a tool for deep spiritual exploration.

Metaphysical Associations:

Chakra: All, particularly strong with the Root and Crown Chakras

Element: Earth, Fire

Planet: Pluto, Mars

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Aries

Healing Uses:

Emotional Balance: It's believed to offer powerful grounding energies while balancing emotions, aiding in the release of stress and fears.

Physical Energiser: Thought to be a strong energiser, providing vitality and aiding in the recovery from physical exhaustion.

Mental Clarity: Helps in sharpening the mind, clearing confusion, and promoting focused thought.

Spiritual Uses:

Deep Spiritual Insights: Known for its ability to unlock deep spiritual insights and aid in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

Psychic Protection: Provides a protective shield, warding off negative energies and psychic attacks.

Emotional and Mental Aspects:

Grounding and Centering: Helps in grounding emotional and mental energies, promoting a sense of stability and centeredness.

Transformation: Aids in personal transformation, helping to reveal and develop inner strength and resilience.


Numerological Significance: Resonates with the number 11, symbolising intuition, spiritual insight, and high energy.

Additional Properties:

Amplification of Intentions: Acts as a powerful amplifier of intentions and energies, both from the user and other crystals.

Chakra Alignment: Helps in aligning and harmonising all the chakras, promoting a smooth flow of energy throughout the body.

Enhanced Intuition: Known to enhance intuitive and psychic abilities, facilitating clear communication with higher realms.


Super Seven